
09 October 2010

Thanksgiving : My Contribution

Starting at the left:
Oatmeal Cake w/ Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting, Pumpkin Bread (x2), Banana Bread,
Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies, Pumpkin Blondie w/ White Chocolate Chips 

This is what you get after 10 hours in the kitchen (including cleaning time).

And my battle attire for this marathon?

This apron  was an awesome gift from my brothers when they came back from Florida a few months ago.  I think it speaks volumes :)

Happy Thanksgiving all! I hope you're spending it with family and/or friends.

~ Adam


  1. I'm hungry already looking at the pictures, can't wait.

  2. Allison Marcucci10/10/10 4:50 AM

    This is my punishment for being in England. No feast for me! Looks good.

  3. Don't worry Allison, I will eat your cookie for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  4. Natalie Postiglione10/10/10 3:22 PM

    Wow, everything looks so yummy!
