
01 December 2010

Oat Waffles aka. My Favourite Waffles

A few weekends ago was the one year anniversary of my weekly baking insanity. It was this time last year that I suddenly decided to bake every Saturday. I haven't looked back since. My Saturday baking is something I look forward to at the start of every week, and I am always trying to figure out “what's next?” To celebrate this "milestone" I decided to make breakfast for my family, which included these waffles and a new “durable” bran muffin recipe (which I will post a little later).

Growing up I was never a big breakfast person. High school through university I pretty much skipped it in favour of sleep. Before that it was really just toast or cereal. The exceptions were those days that my mother would turn breakfast into an event. She makes good pancakes, really good french toast, and a killer Egg McMuffin lookalike (a much better one). However, she was never big on waffles, likely because you could only make one at a time. I never minded much, waffles weren't really my thing, I much preferred french toast.

Even so one of the best things about sleeping over at my friend's house as a kid, was when his Father would make us fresh waffles in the morning. Since it was something I never had at home, it made them extra special. These days, though I still prefer french toast and pancakes, I enjoy a good waffle, especially when there's a pile of ice cream on top :).

With that in mind I bought a new waffle maker during the summer and although I don't use it often, I believe I have my perfect waffle recipe. One of the best things about these waffles is that they aren't fancy. There is no separating eggs and whipping egg whites. This recipe is simply add dry ingredients to wet and mix. You're done.

My alterations to the recipe are small but significant enough to mention, I think. First, I enhanced the flavour by swapping the sugar with honey. It's subtle but noticeable. I also added nutmeg, which in my opinion takes these waffles to the next level. I have found, much like Peggy Hill before me, that “add nutmeg” is usually the answer to heightening flavour. Not cinnamon, as Seinfeld would have you believe :). Unfortunately, this time in my rush to put the waffles together I forgot to actually add the nutmeg, good thing the flavour of the waffles holds up even without it.

These waffles are light, crispy (if you so choose, I do) and flavourful. There is really nothing else you can ask from a waffle. Pour on your favourite syrup, or even better, pure maple syrup and slip into breakfast bliss. But these waffles are also just sweet enough to eat without the extra sugar. And they freeze well too. Toss any leftovers in the freezer and when you're ready for waffles just pop them in the toaster. Chocolate chip? Blueberry? Or a personal favourite: peanut butter chip waffles? Just sprinkle them on when you pour the batter on the waffle iron. And never forget: waffles are always at their best with a few scoops of ice cream, topped with anything and everything you're craving :).

~ Adam

Oat Waffles aka. My Favourite Waffles

Adapted from allrecipes

Yields 6 7-inch round waffles

1 cup all-purpose flour (130g)
1 ¼ cup quick cooking oats, ground in a food processor until fine (113g) – alternatively 1 cup oat flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
¼ - ½ tsp nutmeg – this depends on preference, I always like a little more :)
1 ¾ cup milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbsp canola oil -- or any neutral vegetable oil, butter works too
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp vanilla

Prepare waffle iron according to instructions.

In a medium bowl add flour, oat or oat flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg. Whisk until completely combined.

In a large bowl add milk, eggs, oil, honey and vanilla. Whisk until completely combined.

Add dry ingredients to wet, and stir and fold until just combined. The batter should be lumpy. Always remember, lumpy pancake and waffle batter is good.

Spray or butter hot waffle iron to prevent waffles from sticking (depending on your waffle iron you may be able to get away without doing this. This batter is pretty good about not sticking, but better safe than sorry).

Pour between 1/3 to ½ cup of batter on prepared waffle iron and spread batter evenly. Set to desired crispness and let 'er go.

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