
26 January 2011

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie w/ Peanut Butter

I definitely don't subscribe to the idea that bigger or more is better, especially when it comes to food. Five years of Top Chef has taught me that too much of one thing is rarely good. However, you can take the rule book, tear it in pieces, hit it with lighter fluid and light that sucker up, because it means nothing when we're talking about a giant cookie.

The reason for making this cookie was not only to make Cookie Monster blush (though you have to see the shade of purple to believe it), but also because it's quite practical. This is essentially like baking about three dozen cookies at once and that's something that I couldn't pass up. An added bonus is that the recipe is really easy and comes together super quick. I went from the decision to bake it to finished baking in about an hour. Ridiculous.

However, my need to make this monstrosity was also inspired by a package of these new “chocolate chips” that President's Choice recently released. Now don't pass out, but they are actually little tiny peanut butter cups, a little larger then chocolate chips. When I passed them at the store I couldn't believe it. You mean I can now inject full peanut butter cups into my cookies? Yes please.

In order to compliment the flavour of the chips I decided to throw some peanut butter into the batter thereby increasing the overall peanut buttery goodness. I mean obviously the only way to make a giant cookie better is to make it a giant peanut butter cookie. Although truthfully this is only partially peanut butter, sometimes you just have to take baby steps :). (In order to compensate for the added peanut butter I reduced the butter by an equal amount).

The cookie baked perfectly and other than the garbage cookie sheet that warped half way through baking, nothing went wrong. It was nice and crispy on the outside but soft and chewy throughout. And even though the peanut butter I added was a relatively small amount it came through very nicely. My brother actually thought it was a pure peanut butter cookie at first since he didn't get a pb chip with his bite. Speaking of which, those little guys were simply awesome. They added great peanut butter flavour but with a bonus hit of chocolate, and like chocolate chips they even kept there shape. More importantly though, they gave me something to snack on as the cookie baked :).

Given the fact that this cookie is at the same time very tasty, super practical, and gigantic, you probably don't need anymore reason to add it to your “to do” list. Should you choose to use this recipe be warned that making a cookie this size will present you with an equally large dilemma. Namely, where do you get a glass of milk big enough to dunk it in?

~ Adam

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie w/ Peanut Butter

Adapted from Mel's Kitchen Cafe

Yields a 10 to 11 inch Cookie

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour (195g)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar (100g)
1/2 cup packed golden yellow/light brown sugar (110g)
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted (57g)
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter, not natural (60g)
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup chocolate chips -- or any chips you like

Preheat oven to 350F and lightly grease a large cookie sheet.

In a small bowl add flour, baking soda, and salt and whisk to combine.

In the medium bowl of a mixer add butter, peanut butter, and sugars and cream together on medium speed until smooth. Add egg and vanilla and mix until combined.

Reduce mixer speed and add dry ingredients. Mix until flour is thouroughly combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary.

With mixer on low (or by hand) fold in chocolate chips as evenly as possible (I hate this :)).

Dump cookie dough onto prepared cookie sheet, and press to form a 9” circle, approxiamately 1/4” to 3/8” thick.

Bake on centre rack for 13 to 16 minutes or until cookie is lightly golden (pay attention to the edges, mine took 14 minutes).

Allow to cool completely on cookie sheet before cutting.


  1. Could use a little more colour. Rainbow colour. Like maybe you should think of SPRINKLING it with colour...

  2. That would be so fun to decorate with frosting!

  3. I would agree in theory, except that I have absolutely no artistic ability. Paint by numbers scares me :).

    P.S. Thanks for posting, yours is one of my absolute favourite blogs :). I've used a tonne of your recipes.
