
30 October 2014

Thinking Thoughts 22-10-2014

View from the hotel room
The following was written on a plane back to Toronto between 9PM and 10PM EST on 22-10-2014.

- I'm on a plane coming back from Austin Texas right now.

- Yes, again.

- It has been a long time since I've written anything for this blog or really anything other than emails at work.

- I really haven't been baking. Though I do have a few recipes that I want to post and hopefully will be posting soon.

- I was in Austin again for a conference, thankfully only four days this time, not two weeks like last.

- The food wasn't as good.

- I don't want to knock the people who worked hard to put the entire thing together, but when you're going to Texas for a conference people expect barbecue, not hamburgers one night and mini-hamburgers the next night.

- Myself and a few of my team had a barbecue fix this afternoon. We ate a lot. It was good. We were satisfied.

- I'm on a brand new plane and I can't figure out how to put the seat back.

- To be fair, I probably don't know how to do it on an old plane either.

- There was a lot more y'all in Texas this time. That was nice.

- Unfortunately the resort we were at was in the middle of no where, which made doing things a pain. Fortunately, they were good enough to shuttle us down to 6th street on one of the nights for a catered party and were nice enough to keep shuttles going back until 11:30pm.

- And yet, they messed up the barbecue thing.

- All the meals we had were some form of buffet.... none were barbecue.

- I promise that's the last time I will mention it.

- The lady next to me on my flight from Austin to Dallas needed to use her airsick bag, I got real friendly with the guy next to me trying to lean away from her.

- On the way to the airport we had a terrific cabbie. It's not a super long drive, but he made the time fly.

- I'm very happy being so close to getting home. Listening to people talk for three days, with multiple buffets on all the days can be quite draining

- And I skipped breakfast

- SCORE! Full can of diet coke.

- I still can't figure out this seat.

- Oh, apparently it only goes back a few centimetres

- This has to be the warmest plane I've ever been in. Unfortunate, as it's probably the most comfortable in every other way.

- The nicest thing about going to these conferences is becoming friends with the people that you work with everyday (some I've never met in person).

- That being said, Pilots still have the coolest jobs.



  1. Sorry we missed you this time, Adam. We're in a bit of transition ourselves with lots of strange things going on, otherwise I would have stalked you down. We live not too far from where you stayed this time, so too bad we missed you. Hope all is well.

    1. Hi Anna, yeah, I would have loved to have gotten together again, but it was quite a whirlwind trip, so I probably would not have had the time either. Everything is pretty good over here, except for the blogging laziness :). I hope everything is going well for you all too. When are you coming to Toronto :) ?

  2. This is a great post thanks for writing it.
